Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Disney Breakthrough

Hey everyone!

Yeah I know it's been a while but with school and everything, I am just way behind on stuff besides school. But the good thing is nothing but A's and B's so far!

But the biggest and best thing I have to share is my Disney Breakthrough! I actually made a Disney Connection in School (well sort off).

So I was up at UMASS Band day (a band festival) and we just finished the Half Time festival. So some of my fellow band members were all sitting and talking, and one of them said he was a huge reader of comic books. Now with the recent purchase of Marvel by Disney, I had to go ahead and pose the question of his opinions on the topic. So he started to say that you know this could go either really good or really bad. So we got into a whole discussion about that, and it was great for me to hear what is was like for someone on the other side of the "contract".

But what got even better was that there was another girl who was with us who was a huge Disney Movie Fan. So she jumped in on the conversation. That made me feel a little better knowing I'm no the only Disney Geek in town.

From there we continued to discuss about the movies of Marvel, the parks, the big U-Word deal. It was awesome.

Anyway I just wanted to share my little breakthrough with you guys.

As always have a Magical Day!